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I do on zee world, Wednesday 15th June 2022 update

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Location: Rehaan’s office and ahil’s residence
Rehaan is unable to reach out to dress his wounds, but refuses to let seher help, while she stands tensed. she asks him if he sent her away so that he could cry in solitude. having been caught red handed, he gets defensive and asks her not to ask questions unecessarily. seher takes on herself to dress his wounds, unaware of their physical proximity which rehaan overwhelmingly revels in. Sanam too builds the house, while ahil emotionally watches her. ahil starts talking about his childhood hunter.

I do Series
I do Series

Sanam asks what hunter. ahil says that the hunter which isnt used to hit children as it pains a lot, and the scare that the noise of the hunter causes and how it traumatized all life, and how he wishes that no father hits his child like that. Sanam listens tensedly, wondering if this happened with him in his childhood and gets emotional, and wonders whats this murder he is talking about in his sleep.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 14th June 2022 update

Rehaan gets a call, from tanveer and sees it tensedly, canceliing it. Seher says that she understood he is angry at his mother, and they have fought. he sayus that it isnt a fight, as it would have been easy, but he wont be able to forgive him ever, as she has converted his life into a lie, and that her existence doesnt matter to him at all. He says that he hates lies for this very reason. she is scared, thinking that lies are her life, and thinks that she would have to escape soon.

Razia again coaxes dilshad to talk soon, as she is tired of tanveer’s slavery, and she wsants to do it soon, what she has in her mind. razia wonders how could she not open her mouth, even after seeing tanveer and remembering the massacre. She tells dilshad that she would just be back, and expresses her frustration at always having to guard her. She locks dilshad’s wheelchair, and leaves. Dilshad eyes sanam and ahil working on their dreamhouse. she desperately tries to raise her arms, but barely manages to unlock the wheelchair. she starts wheeling her chair towards them, while sanam is talking about dilshad and their childhood years together, and how it doesnt matter if the dreamhouse is big or not, but what matters is if people who live there love each other, and have feelings for each other. ahil eyes her emotionally, thinking that this is a new perspective, which he never thought about. sanam tells him that she wishes dilshad also was here with them, and gloats about her.

Scene 2:
Location: Faiz’s residence
faiz returns with lots of packets, and haya gives a helping hand. Their hands accidentally collide and their eyes awkwardly lock in a romantic gaze. She expresses her having done everything just the way she needed. He is assured that if she is so confident, then he has no doubts or reservations. She shys. He excuses himself for a shower, while she watches smilingly.

Later, faiz’ guests arrive, and start asking about haya. he goes to call her, but is asked by the director to call her from here only. His aunt is amused when he tells them that she is deaf and dumb. But the guests make fun of it, trivialising that he doesnt have to listen to his wife’s rant. faiz gets haya, while all greet her. They try to talk to her in sing language, and faiz expresses that haya understands lip reading. haya says that she is completely fine. his aunt is amused. They comment as to how fast he learned, as he never understood the deaf and dumb news. faiz is hurt. His aunt asks her to go and get drinks, and also that which she has prepared for them specially, while haya is boggled and confused. his aunt continues to rant as to how difficult it is to live with haya. haya comes and gives a stock pile of clothes to the guests. They all are shocked. He asks whats she doing, and she says that she did what his aunt told her to, to arrange clothes for people who are coming in to get old clothes and toys. the director asks what kind of a joke is this, and if this is an insult, that haya is even blind to find that he isnt a beggar. faiz’s guests leave in haste beyond any reprieve from faiz, even though he insists. haya is tensed, while his aunt is amused. His aunt reprimands her as to what she did, and how she ruined it for faiz’s break, and wonders how they would be compatible and tells faiz that he still has time and that he should divorce her. faiz is shocked while haya is distraught. haya asks whats she trying to say. His aunt makes fun of that too. faiz leaves in disgust. haya goes inside too. The remaining guests leave too. his aunt is satisfied that withe the final blow, their divorce is final.

Screen 3:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Dilshad wheels her chair towards them, while sanam mentions that tanveer would get a best friend in her and dilshad is oblivious that tanveer is in the way. tanveer collides into her, while razia is shocked. tanveer yelps in pain. dilshad is instantly wheeled back by razia, behind the pillar. Ahil and sanam rush to her, while tanveer screams that there was someone here, and they are baffled. razia is tensed that she shouldnt be found out. Ahil says that it must have been a hallucination. tanveer says that she isnt mad, and there was a woman who she couldnt identify razia reprimands dilshad that she could have ruined everything today, and that she would teach her a lesson today. She wheels her away. tanveer is frustrated that ahil isnt believeing her. Ahil agrees that she was right and satisfies tanveer by searching for her. Sanam wonders when he knows that there was noone here, why did he agreee to tanveer’s talks. tanvbeer asks sanam what were they doing this late in the night. sanam tells her that they were making dreamhouse for the competition. tanveer gets frustrated and asks her to remembere that its just a dream and it can never turn to reality. tanveer leaves. sanam stands shocked.

Rehaan is praying in the night, which seher sees and gets concerned for him, saying that the lord should listen to his prayers too and make him happy again. Rehaan finds seher awake, and apologises for waking her up too. She says that she is okay and asks about him instead. he says that he is okay. she asks what was he praying this late in the night. He says that its his birthday today. she gets surprised and extremely excited about it, and hugs him tightly, while he is surprisingly taken aback, as she wishes him all the happiness in the world. he is amused. she says that this deserves a party. he smiles. She thinks that its her task now to keep him happy, and plans a surprise party for him in his head. He continues to smile. she wonders how would she manage the money and then thinks that its no big deal for her, and decides to steal and organise a party.

As seher, next day, tries her hand at baking, she finds that its all burnt, and is frustrated with it. She finds rehaan coming in, who is shocked at what he sees. She asks why he came so early, as she was planning to surprise him. He tries his hand at the cake and says that she doesnt know how to make one. rehaan gives her a helping hand, and they together start working. Seher makes cake with rehaan in the kitchen, as both enjoy the other’s company. rehaan says that its overwhelming that she thought to do something for him. She says that the surprise is still on and reveals his room to him. seher shows how she has prepared and decorated the room, for his birthday and he says that this is the best surprise that he ever got, and the person she gets married to would be the luckiest person in the world, as she is a very nice girl. seher is overwhelmed to hear this. A romantic eyegaze follows, and then rehaan goes past her, while she still remembers what rehaan said. She wonders whats she thinking, as this isnt possible, as rehaan is a very nice guy and cant choose a girl like him, and asks herself to focus on her work.

Scene 2:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Ahil lies awake in the night, as he remembers tanveer’s outburst earlier. Sanam too is bothered, wondering that ahil loves but is also always scared of her, and assumes that maybe tanveer scared him in childhood, but then discards it off, saying that tanveer loves him badly, and then wonders whats the connection between the nightmares. she thinks that she wants to get ahil out of this but how. she turns around, and finds ahil awake too. Ahil turns around to her, asking why and if she wants to talk to him. she asks ahil about the fact that he used to get beaten by a hunter from his father. he gets tensed, and again reminds that he doesnt want to discuss his past and begins to get up. But she pulls him back, and apologises. ahil is tensed and then gets distraught when she asks him to tell how his father died. He remembers his childhood, and then again asks her to sleep, as they have a long day tomorrow. She wonders whats the connection between ahil’s nightmares and the murder and wonders whether its his father’s murder that he is haunted by. She is determined to find out.

The next morning, Sanam explains ahil’s nightmares to tanveer, and she gets frustrated that sanam is knowing way too much about ahil’s past and that this isnt good. tanveer is disturbed to find sanam assuming that ahil must have seen some murder in the past. She composes herself, and says that ahil’s nightmraes are common, given his stressful and tiring work style, and asks her not to put too much thought into this and find a meaning. Sanam says that ahil’s nightmares arent due to stress, but actually something’s wrong, as he doesnt have nightmares only, but gets disturbed when she talks to him about childhood and gets defensive and guarded. she says that its horrifies and torments him. Tanveer remembers killing ahil’s father and blaming him for it. sanam says that he refuses to talk about his childhood, and hence wants to talk to her, so that she can help him. tanveer smiles and says that when nothing has happened then why does he need help. She says that when did she start bothering about ahil so much, and again reminds her whats she here for. Sanam is again reminded by tanveer that their marriage is just a contract for 3 months, and they are about to get divorced and soon this marriage would be over and the reality would surface that she is just a servant of this haveli. She tells sanam that the divorce papers are in the making. She tells sanam that its for her favour that she is saying this, as she doesnt want her concocting dreams as they would be shattered. sanam is disturbed and hurt, and leaves from there. tanveer is tensed.

In the corridor, sanam walks remembering tanveer’s statements. latif comes and asks sanam why did she bother tanveer for ahil’s childhood as she could have helped her. she shows sanam a room, that contains all of ahil’s childhood things, and asks her to go there. sanam thanks her. sanam says that she maybe a servant,. butw ants to know ahil’s childhood secrets, and the reason why he is so bothered, as she wants him to get rid of it, as this is her right for now atleast, and for this she shall uncover his past, come what may. she heads towards that room. Tanveer overhears this and thinks that sanam is just likle her mother, and would have to be stopped before she goes too far. she dials a number.

Sanam gets inside the room, that has ahil’s childhood memories, and starts rummaging through things. She looks towards her side and finds a sealed box, and thinks that this must definitely have something. Just then the lights go off, as someone pulls off the plug. Sanam goes to see whats in it, azhar’s parents come in to empty the contents of the box. sanam finds the main switch off, and then pulls it back to get light. Azahjra’s parents hide. sanam comes back and is surprised how did it open, and then finds it empty. She wonders if this was the same box that she saw. Sanam collides into something and falls on the floor. Sanam finds a hunter there and is shocked. She remembers ahil talking scarily about it, and deduces that this must be the same one, and thinks that if he is confronted with this, he shall have to face his past in front of sanam.

sanam enters the room with the hunter, remembering ahil’s scare of the hunter, and wonders if this is the same one that ahil talks about, and if his father used to hit him with this. she decides that she cant show him this, as it would haunt him terribly, and that he wont be able to handle it, and she wont be able to see him traumatised like that. sher wonders how else would she be able to find out. As ahil enters, sanam hides the hunter below the blanket. Ahil asks why’s she so tensed. she says that she was thinking about the dreamhouse, and she is very happy with it. ahil says that he too is very hapy. He goes to freshen up. she is relieved that ahil didnt see the hunter, or else he would have been in a rage.

Later, sanam starts explaining the rooms, and their interior and decor. Ahil is surprised to find that sanam has planned a baby’s room alongside their master bedroom, in their dreamhouse, and tries to ask sanam, hesitatingly if she is insinuating about their kids. she is shy and embarassed as she eyes him awkwardly, while he eyes her with a mischievous smile. She urgently says that they would be faiz and haya’s kids, and hence would need a separate room. He amusingly plays along with this excuse. she starts explaining the kids’ room. He insistently keeps verifying that they are for faiz and haya’s kids, and places him incharge of english and sports like cricket, adding that she knows that he was the captain of his sports team. He asks how does she know that. she says that she saw his trophies. he says that they are in the attic. she says that she went eher only, just like that. He gets in a rage, saying that she went there with a motive to find about the past. she asks whats so wrong with it. He says that he has been telling her not to dig up her past, and she continues to defy him. she asks whats so wrong and she just wanted to know. He continues to lash at her. Just then, altif comes and tells him that he has been called by tanveer. He leaves angrily. Sanam wonders how could she be so stupid, and got him angered like this.

Scene 2:
Location: Faiz’s residence
As faiz begins to go, haya gives him a lunch box. he irritatedly asks whats this. she says that she packed some food for them, as she cant undo whats already done, and wants to make up for the mistake that she did. faiz rudely says that when she cant change, then why does she bother. She is tensed, but still tries to please him. faiz gets a call, and says that he would reach in two minutes. but is told that the director doesnt need him at all, and asks him not to come. faiz is super upset. haya asks whose phone it was, and if everything is alright. faiz angrily asks her how is everything right, and why would someone give him work, after the way she insulted them. She asks why can they do this, and insists to talk to them. He stops her what would she say and how would she talk. Faiz asks why did she get married to her, and why did she ruin his life, if she was to behave like this. He asks why doesnt she even let him get close to her In their scuffle, she jerks him away, and his head hits the table and starts bleeding. she runs off, while his aunt comes rushing to her, and starts instigating him against haya. Faiz says that it isnt haya’s fault, and asks her not to interfere. He leaves. his aunt thinks that when things happen once, its an accident, but when they recur, its a habit, and now which would happen, shall lead to their divorce.

Haya cries desperately and then eyeing the phone, she dials rahat’s call, and as she hears him speak Hello, she is apalled, and tries hard to speak, so that rahat can understand. rahat thinks that the line isnt clear, but then the sound of haya’s bangles, make her recognise that its haya on the other end. He is taken back to his memories with her, and gets emotional, getting a call from her. He identifies her, and he is sick with helplessness, as she cries on the other end, as she distraughtedly clangs her bagles to express what she feels, and he keeps uttering her name over and over again. She finally cancels the call. Rehaan is disturbed.

Scene 3:
Location: Rehaan’s office
rehaan gives seher some office work, saying that he would be back in 2-3 hours. Seher is excited thinking that she gets her time to pry open the safe. she is about to get into it, when a door knock scares her. she turns around to find that same irritable doorman, saying that a woman came from the orphanage to give a packet to rehaan. She vents out her frustration at him for coming at the wrong time. she takes the packet and thwarts him away. she finds pics of rehaan with a small girl, and finds that a girl from the orphanage who has sent him a birthday card, and whose fees for education, rehaan takes care of. She smiels thinking that rehaan is weird, and that people dont have times for their own kids, and he cares for orphans. She gets to her work, distracting herself from rehaan’s thoughts and tries to pry open into the safe, but is haunted by rehaan’s concern for her. She starts reprimanding herself as to whats taking so long for her this time, and wonders why are rehaan’s good deeds stopping her from working.

Scene 4:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Tnveer tells ahil that she has had a talk with the lawyer, saying that the divorce papers shall be ready in two days, along with the property papers, and onmce the property is transferred he would be free. He is astounded. she asks if she isnt happy. He resignedly sits on the bed. she reminds him that h ewanted life like this, and didnt want to get married, and now those days would be back again for him, like his past life. But ahil is far from being happy. tanveer asks whats the matter. she says that he must be thinking about sanam, and her life having a divorced status, and asks him not to care fo sanam, as she has done all this for money only. She tells him that such girls can go to any length for money. ahil says that he doesnt think so, and that they may be being hasty in judging her, and that he doesnt think sanam is a girl like that. tanveer says that he did fall into her words, and that he cant see the reality, and that he is being swayed away by emotions. He says that it isnt like that. She asks if it isnt like that, then why is he having nightmares again. He asks how does she know. Tanveer evilly tells her that sanam came to her to tell this. Tanveer also tells ahil that sanam is taking much interest in his childhood, and tells how she came asking from tanveer about the same. She asks ahil how much would she know if she continues to probe about his childhood like this, and about his father and how would that affect him. ahil is tensed and disturbed. tanveer pretends to be tensed, but says that she has borne a lot due to him, and always wanted good for him, but now when its all paying off, he shouldnt do anything hasty that spoils it all. he is disturbed. she asks him to remember that those who are close to the heart are the one who always hurt it. Ahil is disturbed, and leaves.

Ahil comes out tensed, remembering tanveer’s statements about sanam’s character, and storms straight to his room, as he remembers tanveer talking about sanam’s interest in the past. he finds sanam making their dreamhouse. sanam smiles as he enters and excitedly shows him the change in the dreamhouse’s doors. She takes his hand, and tries to take him, but he jerks his hand away surprising her, asking what happened. ahil asks why did she talk to tanveer about his past. sanam is silent and speechless. she fumbles, while he reprimands her that she pretends to be concerned, caring and loving towards him, as everything is actually a lie. he asks why does she want to know about his past. He asks why does it affect her if he has nightmares, or if he is dead or alive. ahil’s eyes suddenly fall on the hunter kept on the top of the almirah, while she continues to try and make him understand but in vain. Sanam is shocked and distraught that ahil finally finds the hunter, and revisits the nightmares that it caused him, that she had hidden to escape ahil’s eyes. sanam tries to clarify that it isnt what it reflects, and tries to say that actually she hid it so that he wont be affected. He says that things actually arent what they seem, as he cant believe that she married him for money and they cant prove anything, by winning this couple, when they arent even one. He gets into a rage, and breaks their dream house with that hunter. Ahil asks sanam that he finally realised that she did marry him for money. He says that this marriage is wrong and false, and this relation is fake, and that he doesnt care for either of them. sanam is shocked. They are both stunned to look at their broken dream house, while sanma desperately tries to stop him. She asks him what he did. ahil gets out in a rage, as sanam, eyes the broken dreamhouse distraughtedly.

Scene 2:
Location: Rehaan’s office
As rehaan and seher come down from the car, a sound calling her from the back startles her. She is shocked to see a middle aged couple, and asks rehaan to get ahead, as he gets curious, adding that she would just join him. rehaan complies. Seher tries to handle the couple asking why did they come here. They tell her the reason, while she says that she cant steal from rehaan. She is advised to not think from the heart, as all men want the same thing from a woman. she advocates for rehaan, while she is silenced asking her to come to reality, as they say that if she is unable to, then they shall do it, and tonight only. Seher is tensed. just then, rehaan’s voice startles her. He asks seher if they are family. They disguise themselves as her parents, and he introduces himself to them. he asks sehere that she had said that her parents were angry. The lady pretends to be caring and concerned, while seher is irritated with their overacting, as rehaan hates liars and he is surrounded by them oblivious of this. rehaan asks seher where shall they stay. Sehere tries to suggest a hotel, but her father gets to getting rehaan to invite them in the house. seher hoeps to handle the situation before things get worse.

Scene 3:
Location: Faiz’s residence
faiz tries his hand at various auditions, through calls. his aunt confronts him asking what else would he sacrifice to save his marriage. She again starts talking that a loveless marriage is useless. faiz says that haya loves him much, but is tensed for dilshad. She asks if thats so, then why hasnt he consummated his marriage with him. He is speechless. His aunt tells him that he knows about their lie. Faiz is embarassed. his aunt continues to instigate faiz to head for a divorce than carry the burden of this relation all life with haya.

Later, as faiz sits tensed, his aunt gives him milk, but he refuses to take it saying that he is going to get a steam bath. he heads for the bathroom. faiz finds that the door knob of the bathroom is broken. He says that he wont be able to open the door, and asks her to open the door after ten minutes. She says that its her namaaz time, and he should instead ask haya as she can do this atleast this much, being his wife. Faiz reluctantly agrees to telling haya and narrates everything. haya complies after understanding. His aunt evilly smiles. faiz sets the temperature on the steam bath and gets inside. His aunt stealthily escapes, and goes to faiz’s room.As haya gets to opening the door his aunt lies to her that faiz wants to stay for some more time, and asks haya to go and come after sometime. haya complies. His aunt turns up the switch of the steam bath to maximum.

Location: Ahil’s residence
Ahil storms out of the house, with sanam in tow. tanveer tells sanam that she should remember to stay in her limits, and not try and achieve the impossible. She tells sanam that she shouldnt lament on the dreamhouse as it was just an imaginary one. sanam stands hurt and distraught, as tanveer tells that they arent a match for each other, and that she shouldnt be angry with her, as ahil would have known that she was snooping around, as ahil would get to know that eventually as it is.

she tells her that she is a mere servant and a fake wife and she should remember that. she leaves, while the screen freezes on sanam’s distraught face. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.


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