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Emperor ashoka on glow tv, Tuesday 14th June 2022 update

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Acharya RG tries to explain Ashoka’s stance to Bindu but he is not at all interested. I don’t want to see that girl (Kaurvaki) at all. Ashoka looks at him from behind. Kaurvaki asks Devi why she is being so negative. You have been my hope till now. Devi cries. I am bound to feel this way after what happened. Samrat couldn’t see anything. He blamed you only. I am losing hope. I feel that we lost. Anindini says she had to lose. I dint know she is so shameless though.

Emperor ashoka Series
Emperor ashoka Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 13th June 2022 update

She was so much insulted yet she is here. Why? Think about your parents’ respect if not yours atleast. Kaurvaki tells her not to bring them in between. Anindini agrees. It wont change anything though. Samrat has understood your truth. A girl like you cannot be a queen ever. I will marry Ashoka now. I will
see how you will feel then. I am really eager to see it! She leaves smiling to herself. Kaurvaki and Devi feel bad.

Bindu comes ot his room. He is about to close the door when he notices Dharma at the door. He expresses his wish to be alone. She leaves sadly.

Siamak is sitting alone in his room holding the pot of ashes. Lasendra comes there. She holds his chin and makes him look at her. Don’t waste Rajmata’s sacrifice by crying over it. You have to go to Takshshila. He says why Takshshila. Lasendra reasons that that is the entrance point for them. First Takshshila, then Magadh then Ashoka’s united India and then Chanakya’s united India! Siamak takes swear holding his Rajmata’s ashes in his hands. I wont pour these in the river till I accomplish my mission. I will make sure this sacrifice is written in gold in history. I will write a new history by sitting on the throne. I will be the Samrat. Ashoka will see how I will do it!

Ashoka cuts Helena’s name off his list. Acharya RG says you have not just cut a name but ended a very important link. She was pretty smart and had a great mind. We have really destroyed their backbone here. What’s your plan now? Ashoka says Siamak’s decision of going to Takshshila be a problem for us. By making that decision, he has planned his death on his own.

Sushim asks Siamak if he has lost his mind. How did you even think of looting treasury? Siamak says how will I take revenge then. Ashoka has already cut a name off his list. He wont sit peacefully. He wont leave anyone, not even you. Sushim asks him if he thinks he is scared of that low guy (Ashoka). Lasendra holds his hand which takes him by surprise. She suggests him to hit Ashoka at his weakest point. He says how we can destroy Ashoka by looting treasury. How is this related? She explains that they wont be able to run Magadh if they lack money. They wont be able to pay their army. The taxes will be increased. Ashoka’s dream will break into pieces. He will be blamed for it as he is handling internal affairs. Sushim compliments her plan. It is as beautiful as you. She says let us come together. we can play such a game of throne that we can tackle the problem named Ashoka once and for all. They join hands.

Dharma comes to Samrat’s room. The door is closed. She is worried as Samrat hasn’t eaten in past 2 days. charu tells her to stop. People do need to be alone, at peace when one has to make a decision or listen to your heart; especially Rajvanshi’s who have big responsibilities. It is your habit to intervene. Dharma says how a woman who loves and cares for her husband can not worry for her. You wont understand. It is love! Charu counters. It is the thinking of a Dassi. Can you think of anything other than love and care? Bindu opens the door. charu asks him to eat something as he hasn’t eaten in two days. Dharma looks at her in surprise. Bindu says I want to tell my decision about the girls I have chosen for my sons in court. Ask everyone to come to court.

Everyone is gathered in the courtroom. Bindu says every father wants his son to marry and take his lineage forward. Before announcing my decision I want to tell my sons something. Maximum people think their wishes will come true after marriage. It isn’t true. It is an empty bowl in the beginning. You have to fill it before taking out anything. Love is in marriage. It is between those two people who come together in marriage. They nurture this marriage with their love every second. The art to fill that comes through love, sacrifice, dedication. It will get empty if you try to take it all out. I thank all the princesses who tried their best to be the part of our family. I want to announce the name of the girl who I have chosen for my elder son, Sushim. He takes Chanda’s name. She smiles broadly. Bindu says your nature is opposite to my son. I feel you will complete him. Chanda folds her hands happily. Everyone is happy for her. Courtroom echoes with cheers for Sushim. Bindu takes Anindini’s name next. You have all the qualities that a queen should have but I cannot make my son Ashoka marry you. I am actually sad about it. Charu mutters that Ashoka will marry the fat princess in that case. Bindu says I want a girl for Ashoka who can be the perfect queen, a good human being, a good wife like my Dharma. She was right about it. Love is of utmost important. I know my son loves someone. I have chosen that girl only. It is Kaurvaki. Ashoka, Kaurvaki, Vit, Devi, Dharma and Acharya RG look happy. Bindu adds that their love is not the only reason for choosing her. Kaurvaki speaks up which angers Bindu. You have many faults. You have to rectify this fault in you. You don’t speak in between when elders are talking. He gets up angrily. Everyone gets tensed. He goes to them. Can I not act when you all can act so much and hide so much? Everyone smiles in relief. Kaurvaki only is the right partner for Ashoka. I should have understood it ten years ago itself when she had supported my son in Takshshila. She could understand my son more than me. That day, she dint care about the court and supported Ashoka. I felt she crossed her limits. She did but a girl like her only can be Ashoka’s son. It should be the one who should not worry about anyone for him. She should dare to stand with him for his truth. Kaurvaki rushes to touch his feet, calling him father. Bindu blesses both Ashoka and Kaurvaki and also hugs them. Charu, Sushim and Siamak look pointedly. Anindini too is upset. She walks out of the courtroom.

Vit thinks I will give this news to the one who deserves to know it before anyone else. He runs.

Ashoka and Kaurvaki keep looking at one another lovingly. O Priyatam plays. Ashoka closes the distance between them. Their romantic eye lock continues. Ashoka waves his hand before her to shake her out of her reverie but in vain. It ends up bringing a smile on his face as she keeps looking at him with love.

Devi paces in her room. Vit comes there. She wonders whose name Vit will take. I cannot hear it. She asks him to leave. He acts before her. It is good that you dint come in the courtroom today or you would not be able to hear it. She gets tensed. He ends up telling her the truth. Father has chosen Kaurvaki for Ashoka. She hugs him tight thrilled at the news. He tells her to
free him. I cannot breathe. She takes a step back. He advises her to congratulate her friend Kaurvaki. She has become a statue

Ashoka says you are weird. Your Shivshambhu fulfilled your prayers. You should be dancing right now whereas you are looking at me non-stop. She is still all quiet. He asks her if she will become his wife. Tears stream down her face. He wipes them off. He is about to hug her when Devi hugs him instead. Both Kaurvaki and Ashoka are startled. Devi says I am really happy Ashoka. This is like my dream coming true. I am very happy for both of you. I cannot contain my happiness. Kaurvaki coughs. Devi turns to her. I couldn’t control my happiness and hugged Ashoka. Don’t be jealous though. He isn’t mine but yours only. Kaurvaki says I know Ashoka is only mine. No one can come in between, especially you. Devi dint know they were going to come close just now. Kaurvaki shushes her. It is all because of you. I am thankful to you. Thank you very much. Devi notices the couple looking at each other. She leaves from there without saying anything. Vit says it is good you left them alone. I thought you will not leave them alone. She holds his ear. Talk your age. You are a kid. He reasons that smartness comes with experience. She smiles. They both leave from there.

Ashoka extends his hands forward. Kaurvaki hugs him happily. O Priyatam plays. They think of all their childhood memories while they hug. He remarks My Kaurvaki. She makes him say it again. He does it happily.y you will become my wife soon. no one can separate you from me now, no one. No one can separate us for next 7 births. This togetherness wont break for the next 7 years.

Sushim says let Ashoka be happy for some time. He got a chance. it happens rarely. We too have got a chance to hurt him real bad. We have already shifted half of treasury out safely. If soldiers find o[ut then it will be a problem. Siamak reminds him that is his duty. My soldiers are trustworthy.

Mahamatya comes to the place where treasury is kept. His soldiers steal some.

Siamak adds that his soldiers are shifiitng everything safely in a room. They are keeping them in a sack in gifts. Soldiers are busy doing their job. Sushim asks him why amongst gifts. Siamak replies that when any princess will leave for her place after your engagement then Samrat will give them a gift. It will be this money. We will stop them on their way and get the money out stealthily. Remember that this task should be completed before your engagement. It should reach Takshshila by then. Sushim doubts his intention for getting everything in Takshshila. Don’t play a game with your brother. Charu and Lasendra make him let go of Siamak’s neck. Lasendra points out that Ashoka will win if they will fight with one another. Let the treasury get out of the safe zone first. It is more important. Sushim leaves followed by his mother.

Dharma thanks Bindu for choosing Kaurvaki for Ashoka. You haven’t just made Ashoka happy but you also gave a reason to all the citizens of Magadh to be happy too. I am on cloud nine. I never thought you will change your opinion about Kaurvaki. You proved her unworthy in court yet chose her for Ashoka. This is commendable. I hope everything goes well. He too hopes it happens. But nothing like that will happen peacefully. Quite possibly, you dint think of Jagannath. He will surely come when he will know about this. Only God knows what will happen then. He leaves. Dharma hopes Jagannath wont break the engagement.

Charu comes to Anindini’s room. I pity Samrat for choosing Kaurvaki over you. You too made a mistake. I would have stood by your side if you if you had chosen my son over that Daasi-putra. I am not selfish like Dharma. She has always been selfish and a thief. Cheaters support cheaters only. All the cheaters together now. Dharma is a big cheater. She snatched my love, my husband from me. I too was my husband’s favourite once. She drops the topic. I came to encourage you. don’t lose heart. You have all the qualities of a queen but you made only one mistake. You don’t know how to lure men like other women. We cannot do anything. Destiny is a proof. Bad happens with good people. We, good people, leave it on God to punish bad people. Don’t lose heart. May God give you strength to live with this pain that kaurvaki snatched your love from you and you couldn’t do anything but look on helplessly.

Next morning, Kaurvaki is still asleep. Devi comes to wake her up, reminding her it is her engagement today. Kaurvaki replies that she used to sleep to fulfil her dream earlier. Now that it is complete I deserve to sleep a little more. Devi denies. you have to take bath now. Everything is done. I will come to take you soon. Kaurvaki is happy thinking she will unite with Ashoka today following all the rituals.

Anindini vows to punish both Kaurvaki and Ashoka for they have cheated her. You wil have to be punished. She notices someone making prep for Kaurvaki’s bath. She intentionally collides with the Daasi so she can pick up the uptan she was taking for Kaurvaki. Anindini goes in kitchen. Devi instructs other Daasi’s over their tasks. Anindini smiles hearing her voice. She hides to avoid Devi when a Daasi ask her what she is doing here. Anindini throws something in her eyes. she manages to take uptan from there. Devi asks servants about Anindini’s reason of coming here. Devi thiks Anindini can do anything but wont succeed. Anindini looks at her from behind the curtains. I did what I came here to do. She has mixed something in the uptan. She will turn ugly now and her face will be destroyed for life. Kaurvaki is ready for bath. Devi bring that uptan for her.

Devi tells Kaurvaki to go for her bath. Kaurvaki goes inside and steps inside the giant bath tub. She is happy and shy thinking of the preps. Devi comes there with uptan. She picks it up but Kaurvaki tells her to let it be. I will put it myself. Devi teases her. Devi and Daasi’s leave Kaurvaki alone. Kaurvaki touches uptan. She is drawn back to Ashoka’s words that she said to him last night. Anindini says forget about 7 births, Ashoka wont even look at Devi for 7 minutes!

Kaurvaki screams out in pain. Devi rushes to her side. They look at Kaurvaki’s burnt hands. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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