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Once there was a king on zee world, Monday 13th June 2022 update

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Sumindra comes to Raja and tells him to keep an eye over her daughter. Raja says she never shared with her about her daughter, Sumindra says she doesn’t want to share with her daughter that someone is calling her and threatening her about Rani’s life. Rani would be angry hearing that someone is disturbing her, she might not care about herself.

Once there was a king Series

Raja assures to take care of Rani. Raja promises to take care of Rani till death. He reads from a paper and thinks he has to fulfil his responsibility.

Raja comes to his room and finds Rani on the bed. He reminds it’s his room, Rani says it’s her house. She throws a bag full of money and says her mom must be wasting worth 10k over him, she can spend 5 folds over him to leave. Raja burns the money in the bag. Rani was shocked to see this
and questions why he burnt it.

Raja replies that a man with self-respect earns for his living. Rani brings boxing gloves and asks him to box with her. Raja says it’s his duty to protect her, not hurt her. Rani says he is a servant, but Raja corrects himself to be a body guard. Rani boasts about being trained in boxing for three years. Raja says he has learnt it on streets, through experiences of life. They box with each other, Raja’s shoulder touches Rani’s. He feels the touch.

Raaj Mata opens her eyes in the temple and stands to sprinkle flowers over the idols saying Raja and Rani have returned, they would defeat Bari Rani Maa together now.

Raja was moved and doesn’t fight back with Rani. She however punches his face hard to make him fell over the bed. She leaves calling him a loser. Raja comes to push her from behind, she fall off; she shouts how he cheated on her. Raja says she also cheated on her? Raja says he is her body guard, she has lost. The wall clock struck 12, Raja wishes her birthday.

Rani comes to her room where a surprise had been arranged for Rani by Sumindra and Prieti Raja hurries to the room at the sound of balloons, Rani says it’s a balloon only. Rani was worried about her friends, what they would think about Raja. Sumindra gives Rani her gift and leaves. In the room, Rani thinks she must make Raja leave. Rani’s gift was an expensive necklace, she says this would make her win her game now.

In the party, girls compliments Rani’s necklace. One of them spots Raja and wish for such body guard. Rani boasts this necklace is worth millions. Prieti comes to ask Rani what she would do about Raja now. Rani winks saying magic. She plays guitar in the party and dances with Sumindra and Bua. The cake ceremony takes place. There was a sudden light break, Raja comes to cover Rani. The lights were turned on, Rani calls it a power drop. Rani thanks Sumindra about her gift, she touches her neck and asks where her necklace has gone. Everyone around was worried.

Raja makes the waiters look around for necklace. Prieti says the necklace was stolen once a bodyguard was appointed. Raja was checking every wallet and purse in the party. He checks on Balu and Mohan. Rani comes to search over Raja, he doesn’t let her read the letter in his pocket. She searches another pocket, winks at Raja and brings about the necklace. Sumindra was shocked to see this and questions Raaj about it. She says the hands that can steal necklace from her daughter’s neck can suffocate her as well. She tells Prieti to call the police. Raja says it’s his rule not to touch a girl or money. Rani forbids her call police and orders the guards to push him outside. Raja says Rani has already insulted her enough, if he comes to insulting her it might cost her heavily.

It was night. Suminda gets a threatening call who warned it could be the last birthday of her daughter. Suminda leaves her room out of worry.

Rani was sleeping when a masked man climbs her room. She wakes up but the man had already covered her mouth to suffocate her. She tries to hit his head by a vase. Raaj tells Rani she proved him a thief in front of everyone.

Suminda had heard everything and questions Rani about it. Raaj apologizes Suminda for coming this way. Suminda was apologetic to Raaj for not recognizing her daughter’s lie, she promise Rani would apologize him. Rani objects, but Suminda angrily announces she must apologize Raaj. Rani says I am sorry to Raaj. Raaj thanks Sumida. Suminda requests Raaj to stay as her bodyguard, none can be better than him for his daughter.

Raaj says he fulfils each of his commitment till death. Suminda warns Rani she will trust Raaj more than her, she shouldn’t find any complaints from her now. Raaj leaves Rani’s room.
There, Raaj sat with the photo of Rani. His friend comes to him and asks why he has been working for this girl when he can get better jobs. Raja opens a letter and tells Krishna he has a reason to come here.

There, Rani sat on her bed enraged over Raaj. She comes out with Prieti and tells her about Raja. She was sure to teach him a lesson, they would plan something in college. Rani greets Raja along with Prieti and asks if he is vegetarian or non-veg. Raja tells them to come out of their car only after he signals them. He looks ahead goes behind, Rani and Preiti get a chance to get out and meet their friends.

Her friends cheer watching Raja with her. The girls walk inside. Rani tells Raaj to stay outside, its group study and only students are allowed. Raja places a foot between the two doors preventing it to be shut. Rani gives up. Rani calls Raaj who doesn’t respond on the door. Raaj tells her to eat almonds first in the morning, and corrects his name.

Rani tells him to taste the food she has ordered as its his duty, the food was all non-veg. Rani says he can’t complete his duty if he can’t taste the food. Raja stuffs a bite in his mouth to Rani’s astonishment. He tells Rani she won’t lose her life by eating this food.

Prieti says he won’t leave her today. Raja runs outside to vomit what he had eaten. The girls feel disgusted inside.

At home, Rani receives a phone call which was unanswered. Suminda comes behind her and forbids her receive any calls again. Rani notices she was really disturbed, Suminda explains she is only over burdenized. Rani closely looks towards her and says she is lying. Rani reminds Suminda of lying once about a frock, Suminda promised her then they would share everything with each other no matter what. She says she has brought her a body guard and is running away from her work in all these years.

She says she will find out about the matter. Suminda tells Rani someone is threatening her about Rani’s life, those who killed her father are after her life now. Rani questions Suminda what it means, her father had an accident. Suminda says her father was murdered, and since she will inherit all his business her life is also in danger. Rani cries and was determined she will find her enemies and will not spare them. She would call the police to tract this number and not leave them. Suminda swears her of her life, she has learnt to live only for Rani. She wants Rani to stay alive.

Rani comes to Raaj’s room. She shares with Prieti they must get rid of a body guard. Raaj comes out to mind them not to search his personal belongings. Rani points a gun at Raja. Raja tells her to shoot at him, Rani says she only wanted his gun for practice. Raja says one has to take an aim of lion to kill him.

He holds her hand and points the gun towards him, demanding her to shoot. Rani’s hands tremble. She was about to pull the trigger, Raja screams a no and pushes her hand upwards.

Both fell down, Raja snatches the gun off Rani’s hand and tells her to save herself before attacking the enemy. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

    Once there was a king on zee world, Monday 13th June 2022 update - Delphine Aneng - Aug 20, 2023 1:04 pm

    Thanks for the update
