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Bridal material on zee world, Sunday 12th June 2022 update

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Meera walks to Amar. Amar says he was searching her since long, where was she. She says to her god. He says he did not search her in temple. Meera says she wants to talk him to him something important. He says let him finish function arrangement, then they can talk peacefully. On the other side, Sunny warns Satinder and his wife if they try to act oversmart again, he will slit their son’s throat. Vivan walks in and asks what happened. Sunny says they lost his younger brother (showing pic in locket) a few years ago, but his parents cry remembering him even now.

Bridal material Series
Bridal material Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 11th June 2022 update

Satinder says he is a father and gets emotional. Sunny tightly holds his hand and says he has to control himself and says he will get food for him and mummy. Vivan consoles them and walks away, then sees their sad face and thinks

something is wrong, he needs to find out.
Silky insists Laali to let her eat sweet. Laali snatches plate. Sweety enters with mansion papers and asks get Vivan’s sign on them. Meera walks in and asks to note down whatever they want, Vivan will give everything to them. Silky taunts her that she told she cannot get Vivan in this life, but she got engaged to Vivan. Meera says whatever Silky tries she cannot as Vivan is already hers and will not marry Silky. Vivan walks speaking over phone and finds locket on floor and asks how can they leave it like this.

Meera goes to Amar and massages his head. Amar says he has migraine and his daughter’s one touch cures it. Meera says she wants to tell him something important. Amar hears Sunny shouting in pain and rushes out. Sunny says he did not tie lace and fell down. Amar helps him and takes him towards room. Sunny thinks Meera cannot succeed however she tries.

Vvian goes to terrace when Meera calls him. Meera says I love you. He asks if she called him here to tell this. She says yes and asks why he is not reacting, if he does not love her. She holds him and says I. She asks I for imli. He says I love..the moon.. it is so beautiful. Meera feels sad. Vivan says it is beautiful as he sees it with her, her companion makes everything beautiful round him. She feels happy. He asks if she spoke to her father. She says she went to speak to papaji, but Sunny fell down. Vivan says something is wrong and explains whole locket incidence and says something is wrong with Sunny. Meera says Sunny is helping them so much. Vivan says Sunny was fighting with his parents. Meera says Punjabi children behavior with their parents similarly, even she does. He says she and Sunny are similar, why don’t she marry Sunny, even her father will be happy. She says she loves someone else who express his love in a weird way. He says he will express again and holds her emotionally. Tere naam ki koi dhadak haina….song….plays in the background… They get romaantic and hug each other. Someone watches them.

Silky beats thali/plaate and gather family. Amar asks what is she doing. Silky says she got a special news for her, she saw Meera and Vivan on terrace, Vivan told Meera to move ahead in life, but Meera does not want to and hugged Vivan, if Vivan had not backed off, Meera would have kissed her, Meera does not value her father’s promise. Meera says Silky is lying. Silky asks to ask her if she is not meeting Vivan repeatedly. Amar asks Meera if she broke her promise. Vivan says Silky is lying, if he and Meera go on terrace at same time, it is a sin. Laali asks if Silky is lying. Vivan says Silky is telling half truth, it was dark on terrace and Meera slipped, he held her, Silky twisted situation and created drama. Dolly scolds Silky to stop defaming her daughter. Amar says he will end this drama and announces he will get Meera and Sunny tomorrow itself and Vivan and Silky day after tomorrow. He says his decision is final and asks family to make arrangements. Everyone walk away. Vivan and Meera sadly walk to their rooms.

Meera sits sadly in her room. Vivan walks in and consoles her. He pampers her and says they have to find out what secret behind locket. They hide seeing Satinder’s wife walking into kitchen and taking pooja item on thali crying. Vivan then acting as passing by drops locket in front of Amar and says his locket fell, opens it and says it is Sunny’s mother’s locket and this is Sunny’s brother’s pic. Amar looks at photo carefully and then says as far as he remembers, Satinder has only one son Sunny. Vivan and Meera are shocked to hear that. Meera says she heard aunty praying for her son. Vivan says what if the man in locket is their son Sunny and the one with them is an imposter. They walk outside Satinder’s room and hear their conversation hiding. Satinder’s wife says her pooja for her son’s safety is complete, nothing will happen to their son. Satinder says they are spoiling Vivan and Meera’s life for their son. Wife says their son is in imposter Sunny’s grip, they are helpless. Vivan and Meera are shocked to hear that. Imposter Sunny walks towards room whistling.

Vivan and Meera hide and hear Satinder and his wife’s conversation. They are shocked to learn that Sunny is an imposter and has kidnapped Satinder’s real son Sunny. Sunny walks in holding hammer and frightens them. They plead to show their son’s face as they have arranged pooja for him. Imposter Sunny laughs and leaves. Meera and Vivan hide.

Dolly confronts Amar that every father does not have right to cry. Amar asks what she wants to say. She says if he forces Meera to marry Sunny, she will break their relationship and she will be only Meera’s mother and not Amar’s wife.

Vivan sees Imposter Sunny sleeping and silently steals his phone. He walks to Meera and opens mobile, but does not find any pic in it. His goons call him. Vivan messages them that he

cannot talk right now. They reply Sunny is vomiting blood. Vivan replies to take Sunny to City Hospital and tells Meera he will go there. Meera says whatever it happens, she will be only his wife. He promises and leaves. Meera gets tensed when he does not return after 3 hours and calls him. He standing outside City Hospital informs her that goons did not bring Sunny yet. She says she has a plan and explains him in detail. Goons surround him showing knives.
Amar walks to Meera and starts his emotional drama. Meera says she wants to tell him something and says Vivan. Amar says he wants to get her married to Sunny tomorrow and will be very happy. Meera thinks she will marry only Vivan. Wedding arrangements starts. Silky asks Laali if she will marry Vivan for sure or not. Laali asks not to worry as once Meera gets married to Sunny, all her problems are solved. He shows gun to Imposter Sunny and warns to accept truth. Amar takes care of arrangements and asks Dolly to bring Sunny to mantap while he brings Meera. He goes to Meera’s room and sees her ready in bridal dress with kaleerein on her hands. He says he is very happy today.

Vivan walks to Sunny and reveals he knows that he is fake Sunny and says he got clue with locket and found whole truth. Sunny acts as afraid, then snatches gun and laughs that it doe snot have bullets. He says he is way ahead of him and saw him and Meera outside Satinder’s room. Their argument starts. Vivan asks what he wants. Imposter Sunny says he wants to take revenge from Vivan. Vivan asks what did he do to him. Imposter Sunny reveals he is Vivan’s stepbrother and is jealous of him as Vivan got all the fame and love, so he started game of destroying Vivan and is behind Amaya’s condition, Pammi’s bomb blast, etc.., he will marry Meera now and let Vivan suffer his whole life.

Amar takes Meera to mantap. Silky taunts Meera that she told Meera will wear Sunny’s named Kaleerein and not Vivan’s. Meera nervously waits for Vivan to come. Vivan tries to snatch gun from Imposter Sunny. Gun fires. Meera sees via window sees Vivan bearing bullet and falling down.

Meera eagerly waits for Vivan in temple. Sunny walks down wearing groom’s dress and shows her if she backs off from marrying him, Vivan’slife will be at risk. He lifts his sehra and asks if he is looking handsome, why don’t she marry him. She then realizes it is her imagination and Vivan is under sehra. She gets happy. Their pheras start. They finish pheras happily. Vivan applies sindhoor on Meera’s forhead and then fixes mangalsutra in her neck. Pandit says they are husband and wife now. Sunny tied in a room tries to free his hands in vain, but at last frees himself and looking at his neck injury fumes that Vivan gave this injury again, he will give much bigger injury to Vivan.

After Vivan and Meera’s wedding, they both are taken to a room. Nimmo taunts him to lock the door well from inside. Vivan locks room and walks to Meera and says he was waiting for this day since long and holding her says let him watch her thoroughly. Meera feels shy and says let her go, this is not the time for romance. Vivan says every time is perfect for romance and gets romantic with her. Mileho tum hamko…song..plays in the background. They continue their romance when door bell rings.

Vivan opens door. Sun walks in breaks bottle on Vivan’s head. Vivan collapses. Meera gets worried for Vivan. Sunny shows his schizophrenic side and laughs on Meera and kicks Vivan repeatedly. She pleads not to harm her Vivan. Sunny walks in wearing similar Sherwani and warns her to keep her mouth shut, else she will lose Vivan. Laali walks in with sweets and offers it to groom. Sunny lifts his sehra and asks to feed it to Meera first.

She says she is so lucky to have such a good damad who keeps wife first. She feeds Meera sweets. Sunny feeds her sweets forcefully and smirks. Laaali walks away. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Bridal material, Monday 13th June 2022 update

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