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Bridal material on zee world, Thursday 9th June 2022 update

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Amar and his family return to Kapoor Mansion to arrange for Meera’s remarriage…On their arrival they see the house already beautifully decorated and Vivaan’s manager looking after everything…Amar tries to object saying that they don’t require anyone’s help as they have been residents of the mansion for long years…In the meantime ,Amar’s friend arrives along with his NRI son and introduces him as Sunny to the family.

Bridal material Series
Bridal material Series

When introduced to Meera ,he tries to shake hands with her ,but Meera greets him in Indisn fashion saying ‘Namaste’…Amar invites tge groom and hs father inside the impressive mansion.

As they go in ,Vivaan comes down the stairs ,dressed in his formals and clapping…Amar and Meera get tensed…Vivaan goes to Sunny and welcomes him to Kapoor Mansion…When enquired

about his relationship with Meera he says he is Mr Vivaan Kapoor and he is Meera’s husband….Looking at Sunny’s confusion ,Vivaan quickly adds that he need not worry as very shortly he is going to be Meera’s ex.Vivaan congratulates him and tells him that he is indeed a lucky guy as he can not get a better wife than Meera because she can make him smile even in the hardest of times…Looking at Meera ,Vivaan explains that she values relations so much that she can do anything for her father…Sunny looks at Vivaan enquiringly and questions if Meera is so good ,why is he breaking up with her….Vivaan laughs and replies that time plays a very important role in everyone’s life and his timing was bad….Moreover he is not a good husband for Meera ,though Meera is the best for him…and if he wants confirmation ,he can ask Meera’s father.Turning to Amar ,Vivaan asks him sarcastically if he is right.He advises Sunny to impress his future father in law from now itself as he won’t get a second chance…..Amar gets tensed at Vivaan’s taunts….Sweety interferes and takes Sunny inside to hs room to have tea and chat with Meera…Vivaan suppresses his anger and leaves the room….
Inside the room ,Sweety ,following Laali ‘s instructions ,bad mouths about Vivaan and how he had married Meera by force and threats to her family.When Sunny wonders why they didn’t approach the police,she sheds crocodile tears and explains they could n’t fight Vivaan as he a very wealthy man…..as she begs him to help Meera by marrying her ,Sunny promises that he would certainly marry Meera….Sweety ,feeling elated ,leaves the room saying that she will send Meera with tea.

Outside Vivaan catches Prince devouring snacks abs taunts him that though he is Meera’s brother ,he is not doing anything for her sister…he should go and tell his father that Meera doesn’t like to remarry.,…Prince replies that he can never understand their love story which is sometimes on and many times off…Vivaan bets that Meera will never accept to marry Sunny as she loves him….Just then Vivaan sees Meera passing that way with tea tray and notices her hands shaking….He tells Prince that if a girl like Meera’s hands shake ,that means she doesn’t like what she is forced to do.Just then Amar comes there and seeing his father ,Prince flees…Amar tells Vivaan that his daughter is not pretending to accept his proposal to marry his friend’s son…He challenges Vivaan that Meera will certainly fulfill her promise ….Vivaan smiles and leaves.

Meera enters the room and tells Sunny that she would like to convey him something….He takes the tray from Meera and tells her to proceed….As she talks animatedly ,he listens to her absentmindedly with a beautiful tune playing in the background…He offers her a cup of tea and she accepts.

Outside in the living room ,Sweety serves tea to everyone and Biji advises her to look after the guests first….Sunny comes out and announces that he is ready to marry Meera…Meera too comes out and announces to everyone’s astonishment ,particularly Vivaan’s that she is also ready….Amar and his friend congratulate each other and decide to do engagement that time itself….Sweety ,too happy that things are turning out to her advantage,offers to do all the necessary arrangements as it is her sweet Meera’s roka but Amar stops her reminding that Vivaan has promised to do everything.He goes near Vivaan ,who is still shell shocked ,and reminds him of his commitment ….Appreciating his welcome arrangements,he asks Vivaan to do the engagement arrangements in the same style fitting his status…

Without answering Amar ,Vivaan walks upto Meera and holds her hand ..Amar shouts at him to leave his daughter’s hand…Vivaan doesn’t respond…Sunny interferes and asks him to leave Meera’s hand but Vivaan says Meera is his wife and even her father can not interfere.Sunny replies that he knows his responsibilities and he can not tolerate if he misbehaves with Meera ….Vuvaan challenges Sunny what will he do…Sunny replies he doesn’t know but he won’t keep quiet …Meera pacifies Sunny explaining that she would like to listen to what Vivaan has to say ..She holds Vivaan’s hand and takes him inside ….

Inside Vivaan confronts Meera about her decision to marry Sunny and asks her if she has decided to leave him….Meera gets furious and replies that she has already said any number of times that she would like to remarry according to her father’s wishes,then where is the confusion….Distraught and frustrated at her stubborn attitude ,Vivaan asks her if her father wants her to die ,will she die….on listening to her reply that she would kill herself if her father wants,Vivaan becomes sad and tells her that he knows both father and daughter love each other very much and can do anything for each other’s happiness….He asks Meera why can’t she go and tell her father that her happiness is with Vivaan ,not with Sunny…Meera bluntly says that it is not her job but his to convince her father how much he loves her….Vivaan helplessly reminds her what all he had done in the village to satisfy her father but Amar is too egoistic and hot tempered to be satisfied……Meera retaliates that he should n’t criticise her father as he is in no way better…She advises him to look at himself and see how much he has changed..he always prefers to point out other’s faults ,not realising his…Vivaan replies that he can see his own faults as well ….that’s why he has done everything in his capability to save their relationship ….He bluntly asks Meera ,is this his responsibility only to save their marriage…what happened to her promises and the resilience of a Kabaddi player who does n’t accept defeats that easy and keep fighting till the end….when Vivaan concludes ,he can not imagine she is the same Meera,Meera tries to say something but he interrupts her and asks her if she really came to like this new guy who is nothing before him….neither in looks nor status…if he wants he can buy ten such guys……Meera stops him angrily to say that he is not the same man that once she loved…for him status ,money and ego are more important but she wants none of these but love…She makes it cleat that she wanted love ,trust and companionship from him which he could n’t give…Crest fallen ,Vivaan tells Meera that he is a bad guy in her opinion and she need not stay with him any more.

Vuvaan goes out to the waiting family and brightly tells them to cheer up for the upcoming big fat punjabi wedding of Meera and Sunny and he will see to it that it would be an unforgettable wedding…Everyone gets stunned at his change of attitude but Vivaan congratulates Sunny cheerfully.

vivian congratulates Sunny and promises Amar that he will take care of all the marriage arrangements…..Amar comes out with another demand that his friend and his son should be accommodated in the Kapoor House itself and he wants the best of the best for them ….Vivaan assures him that they would get nothing less than five star luxuries in hs mansion….he calls his manager then itself and instructs her to get on with the job ,else she will lose her job…After cautioning her ,Vivaan walks past Meera and leaves the room….Amar goes to his friend and hugs him saying that their friendship will be culminating into family relationship in a few days….

Dolly goes to Amaya’s room to check on her but stops in the doorway as she finds Vivaan sitting by his sister’s bedside and pouring out his pain

and hurt to his unconscious sister….with a choked voice he beseeches her to wake up as he is all alone now and desperately wants someone to talk to him and share his grief…Remembering his sister’s words that Meera is the best partner for him,he tells her to get up and help him as he is not able to make out what is in Meera’s mind.Moved to tears at his hurt and helplessness,Dolly ,standing in the doorway thinks how Meera is just pretending to bow down to her father’s wishes ,when actually she has other plans …But seeing Vivaan’s misery ,Dolly fears that the situation might go out of hand if Meera continues to keep Vivaan in the dark as to her true intentions…she runs back to Meera’s room to caution her daughter that enough is enough ….it is time to go to Vivaan and take him into confidence as he is beginning to misunderstand her.
Biji ,who is with Meera,asks her Bahu why is she looking do scared and confused….Dolly explains the situation to Meera and asks her to hurry up..Meera calms her down and reveals that she would like to see whether Vivaan will trust and understand her….Dolly gets anxious and asks her what if Vivaan doesn’t understand…will she marry Sunny? Meera assures her that nothing of that sort will happen as Vivaan will certainly triumph in this test…drawing parallels with the purification of gold by burning it in fire ,Meera tells her mother that Vivaan has to undergo a similar test to appreciate the value of relations …Hugging Dolly , Meera promises her mother that Vivaan will become a perfect husband and an ideal son in law very shortly..

Meera enters Sunny’s room with a tray of refreshments and finds him playing the piani…Meera praises his harmonium playing skills…..tongue in cheek ,Sunny says thank you and explains that it is a piano.As she keeps the tray on the table ,he tells her that she should n’t have bothered ….Meera tells him that it is courtesy on her part as he is their guest and he helped her a lot by obliging her request…Feeling embarrassed,Sunny says that he just wanted Vivaan to realise his mistake…Meera interrupts him and explains that Vivaan is at fault but not bad…Sunny supports her saying that he could make out how much he loves her …the way Vivaan was about to hit him says it all…Meera says sorry on behalf of Vivaan but Sunny replies no need for apologies as everything is fair in love and war….Sweety who overhears everything understands that Sunny is hand in hand with Meera and playing to her tune…As Meera stands hesitating ,Sunny accepts the glass of juice from her and asks her to shoot out what is in her mind because he knows she has something to ask him….Meera feels shy but says she just wants to know why he has consented to help her…Sunny replies for two reasons,,,,when his fatherl first told him about her ,he understood that she still loves her husband ,,,the same got confirmed after meeting her….he wants to help two people in love…When Meera waits for the second reason,,he simply says he wants to have a good friend in her…when he extends a friendly hand ,Meera first hesitates ,then accepts…

Sweety hastens to her room to inform Laali that their plan is a flop as Meera has already made friends with Sunny….As Laali is not at home,Silky calls her mother on phone and Sweety explains tge situation….Laali smiles and says nothing to worry as everything is still in their hands…After listening to her plan,Sweety and Silky relax and get ready with their next step….

As Meera chats with Sunny, he tells her that Vivaan is very lucky to have her as his wife…As Meera shyly thanks him,Sweety comes there and remarks that they look beautiful together…Meera feels awkward and gets ready to leave but Silky stops her and asks Sunny if he would like to have tea….when he politely refuses,Sweety ,on the pretext of taking the tray from Meera,spills the tea on Sunny’s tea shirt…Shocked ,Meera goes near hmm and starts wiping his shirt with her dupatta. ….as per the plan ,Silky,standing outside at the window takes the snap ….Mission accomplished,Sweety sends t Meera out and offers to clean Sunny’s dress…

Silky goes to Vivaan ‘s room and tries to comfort him but he evades her touch and sits on the cot….Not willing to back off,Silky in a soft voice ,advises him to try and come out of this misery….Vivaan replies that there is no escaping from this pain which is rather increasing day by day….Silky ,trying to impress on him ,comments neither he is that bad as he is thinking himself to be nor Meera that great as he is imagining…ln fact Meera has so many faults….When Vivaan responds that he can not find any faults with Meera and he loves her,Silky says she will show Meera’s faults ….she takes out her mobile and shows Sunny and Meera’s photos…Cutting a sorry figure,Silky says that she didn’t want to hurt him by sharing Meera’s truth with him,but he left her with no other alternative…She asks him bluntly till when he will keep loving Meera knowing fully well that his love is one sided…..if Meera really loves him,she can never go this close to Sunny….As Vivaan stands expressionless,she soothingly advises him to leave Meera who doesn’t love him and choose another girl who cares for him and shares his sorrows,,,Silky looks back to see his reaction but gets a shock to see Vivaan gone.

Furious ,Vivaan walks up to Sunny and asks him how dare he is to cross his limits with Meera even before getting married…When Sunny coolly asks him to chill up as Meera is his would be wife now,Vivaan ,unable to control himself ,screams that Meera is his wife not his would be….Alarmed at this development Sweety takes aside Silky and tells her that she has overdone things and if someone sees the video ,they will be in trouble ..asking Silky to go and get her mobile from Vivaan ,she repents for becoming a part of Laali’s dirty plan …

In the hall Vivaan cautions Sunny not to cross his line as Meera s just pretending to make him jealous….Showing his fist to Sunny ,Vivaan warns him to be careful…else he will have to taste the blows of his fist….Just then Meera comes there and shouts at him to stop from being a ruffian..When Meera tries to remind him who Sunny is ,Vivaan replies that he very well remembers who Sunny is and who he is….Telling her that he has learnt his lessons,he asks Meera to stop all this…When Meera says she is nit able to understand what he means,he sounds sarcastic and asks doesn’t she really know… When Meera reiterates that she doesn’t know anything except he is trying to hurt her,Vivaan tells her that it is the other way round ..When Meera becomes exasperated and shouts at him to stop all this ruckus ,Vivaan ,in the same tone ,begs her to stop her drama and shows the video on Silky’s mobile….Silky ,watching ,all ths ,runs back to her room to pack up and leave…When Sweety enquires,she tells her that her mobile is now with Meera and she will kill her if she does n’t tanswer her queries,,,As she packs up,Sweety stops her and explains the next master plan…

Meera is about to explain her position but Vivaan ,in no mood to listen ,says that Silky has taken these photos to show him and make him understand her true intentions…He tells Meera that he was wrong in assuming that she was doing all this to make him realise his faults and change him into a good human being and a better husband but the truth is she moved on…and the way she is taking the sides of Sunny and not contradicting what he alleges, proves that she has indeed moved on….

Looking at Sunny,Vivaan says that he is his guest now ,the reason why he is keeping quiet…but if he crosses his limits ,he does n!t know what he will do…Meera tries to explain but looking absolutely exhausted.

Vivaan stops her to say that he doesn’t know anymore what she does and what she thinks and what is going on….he takes out the mobile from his pocket ,keeps it in Meera’s hand and walks away leaving Meera miserable. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Bridal material, Friday 10th June 2022 update

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